It's called the Home maker's Guide For Modern Brides and it was published in 1946. It is full of fun and now, funny bits of advice and knowledge for the new housewife.
Here's an excerpt I thought was funny. It's an introduction to the pamphlet:
"The whole world salutes the Modern Bride... the little woman who takes the future in her own two hands, and in spite of world upheavals, makes a 'go' of matrimony.
"Marriage is a business. When the first excitement of the wedding, the gifts, the attention and adulation are over, then begin the realities of marriage. The chores, the demands, the sacrifices, make themselves felt. Success or failure depend largely on those early days of adjustment. The bride who gets into the tempo of living, who finds a deep and profound satisfaction in her home, her husband's love, and the peace and serenity attendant to marriage is on the high road to matrimonial success!
"Remember the old fable? 'It isn't the pack on the back, but the pebble in the shoe that destroys.' Temember this and eliminate as many 'pebbles' as you can from daily living.
"A good hot breakfast, a well groomed bride, a parting kiss, do much to make a man's day a successful one and his home a sanctuary.
"Never let the sun set, and a new day break with a quarrel in your heart... start each day anew - with happiness.
"Smiles, good food, a pretty frock, a good dinner well served, gracious entertaining, thoughtfulness and loyalty are the ruffles you can add to good living.
"Good luck!
"Kathrine Kerry - Home Economist, San Francisco."
-Home Maker's Guide. Edmund Kiessling and Staff. 1946.
Hope you guys enjoyed this little excerpt. I'm not married but I find this whole thing so interesting. This little book has everything from interior design tips (which, as an interior designer myself, seem rather lacking), to fashion, to necessities for your pantry, to recipes and the proper table setting. Very fun to flip through. :)
Have a sunny day!
Lovely book - I have a 1950s Australian version and it also has a chapter on jobs for adolescents (pre 'teenagers' I guess)! My favorite idea, and one I do try to follow, as I am not that good with hot breakfasts, is the one about quarreling and not letting the sun set. I used to be an interior designer in my life before children and love vintage, so will follow your blog from now on xxx